IPS Ideology
“Discover who you really are. Think independently. Find your own voice. IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL is one of the Rajasthan’s elite business schools shaping business practice and transforming careers across the globe.”
As one of the Rajasthans’s leading Business Schools, IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL brings together people, cultures and ideas to change lives and to transform organisations. A global perspective and cultural diversity are reflected in all aspects of our research and teaching.
For over twelve years, IPS, the Business School, has been at the forefront of Management Education, developing and inspiring business leaders who strive to make a deep, positive and lasting impact on the people, companies and society they serve.
The school’s integrated and up to date curriculum, close ties with Multinationals, and active connection to the Global Network for Advanced Management ensure that IPS’s Management Students acquire crucial techno Manage-mental skills and develop a genuine understanding of an increasingly complex global context.
Excelling at Research: We strive for excellence in research and innovation. We also come up with a panel of part-time Distinguished Research Professors and Entrepreneurs whose Knowledge are shared with Management Folks at IPS. These people concentrate on mentoring and promoting research of international significance and on deepening international Knowledge by ties with Prestigious institutions.
Excelling at Teaching: Our world-class researchers and Entrepreneurs are also superb teachers, skilled at using a variety of teaching methods to engage and instruct. We also employ Professors of Practice, people who combine academic expertise with substantial business experience to aid the practical learning in the classroom.
Excelling in producing the most valuable Graduates: Those very bright students we recruit for management program, turns into fantastic graduates, with a thirst for learning and a rounded approach to life and work. With academic theory and practical skills, they hit the ground running in any company. More than all of this, we believe in the power of creativity, of human imagination to do new things, to see things differently. And so do our staff, our students, and our graduates. Do you?
Excelling in On Job Training: Our Student come up as a Prodigious Management Folk after graduation with our unique On Job Training Methodology which they undergo during period of graduation with top corporate and multinationals. More than all of this, we believe in the power of creativity, of human imagination to do new things, to see things differently. And so do our staff, our students, and our graduates. Do you?
Director Message
We endeavor to impart learning in all spheres which are needed by a student to transform into a true professional. IPS vision has been to excel in the field of imparting management education with a modernized and practical approach in order to create a niche of future professionals.
This can largely be attributed to the periodic redefining of its mission to align itself with the changing times while maintaining focus on social responsiveness of the student as a individual. In recent time, IPS has taken several steps in its pursuit of excellence. Some of the specific steps taken during the last couple of months are: Recruitment of new faculty, Offering new and contemporary elective courses, Review of course package, Development of new case materials, and Modernization of IT infrastructure.
“Look at the youth who is carving himself out of hard rock. This is how professional is born. You have to carve out yourself into perfect and successful professional by using tools & techniques we reach you to hold and imbibe while you’re in the campus”.
That’s what our mission is, as we feel that a true professional should be developed aesthetically, socially as well as intellectually ensuring the excellence in conceptual knowledge along with the traditional values. We believe that the best way to survive change is to initiate it. And it is with this belief that we have continually engaged over the years in a relentless endeavor to improve upon our past performance and to enhance IPS position in the league of the best management institutions in the world.
Lastly, I wish to emphasize that business management school is not merely business. We lay lot of stress on co-curricular activities, community service and social interaction. Our students imbibe what has come to be known as ‘IPS philosophy‘. They cultivate human traits and values and organizational loyalty, and this goes long way in making a niche in this fiercely competitive corporate world. With these words, I extend my warm wishes to all the students for future endeavor.
Mission & Vision
Providing multi-level education with an emphasis on employ-ability skills and nurturing a sense of social responsibility. The mission of IPS is to provide its students with the best professional career prospects in the emerging global workplace and to equip them for more effective and organized contributions in their chosen professions and fields.
Board of Advisors
S.No. | Name | Designation and Experience |
1. | Dr S.K. Agarwal | Chairman Agarwal Hospital, headed many positions at Public and Private Sector |
2. | Mr. Ashish Mittal | Chairman Agarwal Hospital, headed many positions at Public and Private Sector |
3. | Mr. Sudhir Agarwal | Sr. Vice-President- IPS, worked with Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC), IDBI Bank Ltd., Citi Bank, N.A. |
4. | Mr. Mohit Bhagat | Strategic Head- IPS, worked as Sr. Vice President with Kotak Mahindra BankLtd., North Head TATA Mutual Fund, BDM North-ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds, State Head Rajasthan- Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds |
5. | Mr. Paresh Nankany | Worked as North Head- ING Vysya Bank Ltd., HDFC Bank Ltd., IDBI Bank Ltd., ICICI Bank Ltd. |
6. | Mrs. Deepti Agarwal | Director- IPS |
आईपीएस सूत्र
आईपीएस बिज़नेस स्कूल का बीबीए प्रोग्राम एक UGC मान्यताप्राप्त University द्वारा प्रदान किया जाने वाला 3 वर्षीय Degree Program है जिसके अंतर्गत विद्यार्थी के व्यक्तित्व के सम्पूर्ण विकास के लिए शिक्षा वर्ग के विद्वानों और व्यापार जगत के सफल व्यक्तियों द्वारा specialized session लिए जाते है |
व्यापार जगत को एक कमी कई वर्षो से महसूस होती रही है कि रोजगार के लिए उपलब्द्ध विध्यार्थी शैक्षणिक दृष्टिकोण से तो उपयुक्त होते है किन्तु व्यापारिक परिदृश्य में परिपक्व नहीं होते |
आईपीएस बिज़नेस स्कूल में इस विसंगति को दूर करने के लिए एक अनूठे 3 वर्षीय बीबीए प्रोग्राम की शुरुआत की है इसके अंतर्गत विध्यार्थी को बीबीए की शिक्षा के साथ – साथ व्यापार जगत में कार्य करने का अनुभव भी मिलता है |
शिक्षा और व्यवसायिक अनुभव के इस अनोखे संगम से विद्यार्थी को प्रबंधन की जानकारी और व्यापार जगत में experience करने का अवसर मिलता है, जिसके फलस्वरूप बीबीए प्रोग्राम को पूर्ण करने की पश्चात व्यापार जगत को एक ऐसा प्रबंधक मिलता है जो व्यापारिक प्रबंधन के द्रिस्टीकोण से एक निपुण प्रबंधक होता है और वह व्यापार के बारीकियों और उतार – चढ़ाव का अनुभव ले चुका होता है, और वह व्यापार जगत की जिम्मेदारियों और चुनोतियो का सामना करने के लिए पूर्ण रूप से तैयार होता है |
IPS Advantages:
व्यवसायिक : प्रशिक्षण सहित पाठ्यकर्म
प्रशिक्षण व भुगतान
क्षमता निर्माण के साथ – साथ ज्ञान संचय
2 महीने का अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय प्रक्षिशण (Sponsored*)
नियमित उधोगो और कंपनियों का दौरा
सस्ती शुल्क संरचना
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा ज्ञान
औधोगिक शिक्षा प्रमाणपत्र
प्रभावी प्रबन्धिकिय LAB
कॉर्पोरेट सेक्टर से मार्गदर्शिता
Free Laptop*
Soft Skills LAB
A+ श्रेणी का प्रबंधन संस्थान
IPS Uniqueness
The entire approach of IPS is of a finishing school for overall higher level skills and healthy habits development to make its students employable / entrepreneurial by focussing on bridging the gap in terms of attitudes, personality, functional knowledge, professional skills, perception, applied insights, integrity, interpersonal sensitivity, character,holistic health - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & social, discipline, good habits, hard work, self-motivation, continuous learning, community & customer sensitivity, environmental awareness, being responsible and taking initiative and so on. Only two hurdles exist - passionate learner students and equally passionate faculty are not available easily. That is the reason we are absolutely transparent so that no student, staff or faculty join IPS with any misconception or illusion. We have no tool to check anyone’s passion, intensity of motivation, integrity or dedication. Therefore if you feel the need to change and can face these difficulties willingly, wanting to change, then only join IPS. If such students are not available, we will only be happy to close down the institute as IPS is created not for any private profit but to be an inspirational low cost high quality model in people development aimed at the less. This can largely be attributed to the periodic redefining of its mission to align itself with the changing times while maintaining focus on social responsiveness of the student as a individual. In recent time, IPS has taken several steps in its pursuit of excellence. Some of the specific steps taken during the last couple of months are: Recruitment of new faculty, Offering new and contemporary elective courses, Review of course package, Development of new case materials, and Modernization of IT infrastructure.
For us at IPS it is a struggle and challenge to change people. In the process we face criticisms, accusations, insinuations, arguments, frustrations and many ordeals. Even some students persuade incoming students not to join IPS. But we move on, as almost 99% IPSians come back later, expressing their gratitude. Special Code Today is MUNCHO. But we don’t get excited as we are not doing what we are doing for any recognition or acceptance. We just do whatever we aspire to do keeping the society in mind, expecting nothing in return except our satisfaction and salary. That is the only selfishness we have.