Industrial visits open the doors to endless possibilities and learning opportunities to IPSians ! - - IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL

Industrial visits open the doors to endless possibilities and learning opportunities to IPSians !

Industrial visits open the doors to endless possibilities and learning opportunities to IPSians !

The students of IPS COLLEGE JAIPUR, got an enriching opportunity to take a deeper peek at the latest technologies and innovations, and receive hands-on experience with the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Bhamashah Techno Hub. They found themselves in the dynamic atmosphere where innovation has been continuously taking place and saw how technology transformed the face of the world.

The students of BCA were taken on a tour around the hub, starting with many industries and technologies that are currently being developed within it. They saw just how mighty the innovation was and how it had the potential to change industries and society. Their visit also gave emphasis to how technology is imperative in driving economic growth with openings of new opportunities.

Amongst the most important takeaways for the students of IPS COLLEGE was that they were introduced to iStart, which is a platform working for the furtherance of budding entrepreneurs. They were aware of its resources that may help in shaping their innovative ideas into companies with the help of mentors and successful startups. This visit was going to motivate students at IPS College towards entrepreneurship as their alternative career option and gave them an insight towards pursuing it.

In short, the industrial visit to Bhamashah Techno Hub turned out to be an unforgettable learning experience for the students of BCA. It exposed them to the vibrant world of technology and entrepreneurship-to encourage the incorporation of innovation in the pursuit of growth. Such exposure also fastened the fact that students should keep themselves updated with technologies because the job market, which is rapidly changing, demands this.

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