IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL Hosts Successful Workshop on SPSS Hypothesis Testing! - - IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL

IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL Hosts Successful Workshop on SPSS Hypothesis Testing!

IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL Hosts Successful Workshop on SPSS Hypothesis Testing!

IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL recently held a highly anticipated workshop on SPSS hypothesis testing at our campus. The event focused on providing knowledge on data analysts, researchers, and academics, students were eager to enhance their statistical analysis skills.

The workshop was organized by IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL to provide specialised information and technique in data analytics, the workshop offered attendees a thorough understanding of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software and its application in hypothesis testing.

In an era driven by data, proficiency in statistical analysis tools like SPSS is indispensable for making informed decisions and deriving meaningful insights are a must to learn. Participants learned the intricacies of formulating hypotheses, selecting appropriate statistical tests, and interpreting results effectively.

The workshop featured hands-on exercises that allowed attendees to navigate SPSS software confidently. The interactive sessions created a dynamic learning environment, encouraging active participation and fostering collaborative discussions among peers.

Dr. Deepak K Gupta a renowned expert in statistical analysis and the workshop’s lead facilitator, highlighted the significance of mastering SPSS hypothesis testing across various fields, including business, social sciences, and healthcare.

The workshop concluded with a vibrant Q&A session, enabling participants to seek clarification on complex topics and share insights gained from the hands-on experience. Attendees appreciated the workshop’s practical approach and its relevance in enhancing their analytical skills for both academic and professional pursuits.

IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL expressed gratitude to all participants for their enthusiastic involvement and reaffirmed commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning and skill development.

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