Hard Work, Discipline, Goal-setting, and IPS COLLEGE are keys to my Success Braj Gauri Joshi, BBA 3rd Year IPS COLLEGE - - IPS BUSINESS SCHOOL

Hard Work, Discipline, Goal-setting, and IPS COLLEGE are keys to my Success Braj Gauri Joshi, BBA 3rd Year IPS COLLEGE

Hard Work, Discipline, Goal-setting, and IPS COLLEGE are keys to my Success Braj Gauri Joshi, BBA 3rd Year IPS COLLEGE

The occasion was the Induction of the BCA and BBA batch of 2022-25 and the event was β€˜An Interaction with Your Alumni’ and the guest was Braj Gauri Joshi, currently a student of Third Year BBA of IPS COLLEGE, Jaipur

Currently associated with Urban Clap as an Operations Intern, with responsibilities for the entire state of Rajasthan, she was also associated as an intern with AU Bank and Reliance during her First and Second Years of BBA.

Sharing her journey with her juniors, she said that the single most important attribute to becoming successful is self-discipline. It helps you stay focused on reaching your goals, gives you the gumption to stick with difficult tasks, and allows you to overcome obstacles and discomfort as you push yourself to new heights.

Secondly, she was of the view that everyone must decide on what they want to achieve in the long term. If possible, visualize, quantify, or detail this end goal. Then, work out a plan to get there, then immediately do the first thing you need to start your journey. See each completed task as an achievement to spur you on. Do not give in to your weaknesses. Good discipline is overcoming procrastination, and not getting side-tracked or always taking the easy route.

And finally, she underlined the importance of getting a good platform and great mentors, for which she was thankful that she chose IPS COLLEGE for her BBA. At a very critical juncture of her life, having cleared both Medical and Engineering entrances, with an enviable academic record and a call from IIT Kharagpur, a science student decides to shift into commerce – as her goal was business management.

She knew that the road chosen was laid with thorns, but she decided to follow her dreams. Though her impeccable personal traits were important, she told her juniors that she achieve what she has due to the unique Internship pedagogy of IPS COLLEGE and the continuous support of her IPS COLLEGE mentors.

She congratulated the First-years on selecting IPS COLLEGE and advised them to just follow the pedagogy of IPS and maintain self-discipline to realize their dreams and aspirations.

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